Key Points: 

  • One budget-friendly version of Johnson’s protocol includes only three supplements: resveratrol, NMN, and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). 
  • The diet includes eating fewer calories, and an exercise routine emphasizing both resistance and aerobic exercise. 
  • A customized protocol based on Johnson’s routine can be engineered to benefit anyone. 

Bryan Johnson gained his riches by selling Venmo/Braintree to PayPal for $800 million. Since then, he’s spent millions developing an anti-aging protocol he calls Blueprint. With Blueprint, Johnson has slowed his pace of aging by the equivalent of 31 years and is now accumulating age-related damage at a rate slower than 88% of 18-year-olds. 

(Image: Bryan Johnson before (left) and after (right) Blueprint.

Considering such impressive results, many have wished to follow the Blueprint protocol to reap its longevity benefits. However, most ordinary people may find the full glory of the Blueprint protocol unaffordable. For this reason, entrepreneur Mike Hoffman has devised a version of the protocol that doesn’t break the bank. The following is what Hoffman came up with. 


Perhaps the most extreme aspect of Johnson’s protocol is the number of supplements. With over 100 pills a day, the costs of these supplements can add up quickly. Furthermore, many of the supplements Johnson takes are not backed by human studies. In other words, it may not be worth spending loads of cash on supplements that may not work. 

According to Hoffman, the three supplements that have shown promising effects on cognitive longevity and cellular survival are: 

  • Resveratrol: a polyphenol and pigment found in red and purple-colored fruits like grapes. 
  • NMN: the NAD+ precursor. 
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC): a powerful antioxidant.   
(Image: Hoffman takes NMN powder and drinks Kefir, a yogurt-like drink that contains probiotics.


Johnson follows a strict vegan diet and enjoys his last meal of the day at 11:00 am. He is also in a caloric deficit, as caloric restriction has been shown to increase the lifespan of mice. Notably, Johnson says that being vegan is a personal choice and not required by the Blueprint protocol. Noting that he enjoys raw milk and steak, Hoffman lists what he calls the basics of Johnson’s diet: 

  • Intermittent fasting (but in the morning) 
  • Eating vegetables with each meal 
  • ~10% caloric deficit 


(Image: Blueprint Protocol) Johnson classifies his exercise intensity using his heart rate (beats per minute).

To reach his weekly exercise goals, Johnson works out for one hour every morning. His workout incorporates resistance training, cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise, and stretching. Such a workout is achievable for most people who have access to gym equipment. Hoffman’s routine is as follows: 

  • Morning rucks (hiking or walking while carrying extra weight). 
  • Full-body weightlifting workout 3 to 5 days a week. 
  • Body-weight exercises (e.g. pull-ups and leg raises). 
  • Warming up and stretching before and after workouts. 


Johnson is always happy to tout the benefits of sleep and disapproves of grind culture, where working instead of getting sleep is somehow an achievement. He emphasizes going to sleep and waking up around the same time every day, getting eight hours of sleep, having a dedicated temperature-controlled room for only sleep, and having some wind-down time. Hoffman’s takeaways are: 

  • Sleeping in a cold, dark room. 
  • Sleeping and waking up at the same time every day. 
  • Spending time before bed with the family to wind down. 

Additionally, Johnson takes a melatonin supplement as a sleep aid. Instead of melatonin, Hoffman says he takes magnesium bis-glycinate because it has similar effects. 

What’s Your Protocol? 

Unlike Johnson, whose kids are all grown up, Hoffman has a family with young kids. Accordingly, he has adapted his version of the Blueprint protocol to fit his circumstances and lifestyle (e.g., eating meat and dairy). Importantly, Johnson’s version of Blueprint is not necessarily better than Hoffman’s. While Johnson has the money to take chances on therapies that may not be contributing to his age reversal, the core tenets of his protocol can be followed by almost anyone. 

Furthermore, the likelihood of consistently following a protocol may rely on individualized adjustments based on one’s lifestyle, circumstances, and personal preferences. The most basic tenets of Johnson’s Blueprint protocol include: 

  • A dietary routine that emphasizes the mitigation of consuming excess calories and eliminates (or at least minimizes) alcohol and overly processed foods filled with chemicals. 
    • Eat foods that are dense in nutrients (e.g., fruits, vegetables, dark chocolate, fish, nuts, seeds, legumes) that taste good. 
    • Intermittent fasting may help with reducing caloric intake and doing so in the latter half of the day may help with sleep, according to Johnson. 

  • An exercise routine that trains the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system by incorporating resistance training (e.g. weightlifting, push-ups, body squats), aerobic exercise (e.g. jogging, swimming, boxing, walking), and stretching. The American Heart Association’s guidelines may help personalize a routine that fits one’s schedule, environment, and resources. 

  • A sleep routine that allows for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night with similar (if not the same) sleep and wake times every day. Ensuring good quality sleep may require a sufficiently cool temperature and lack of light or other distractions, creating a stress-free peaceful sleeping environment. 

Supplements like NMN may provide the energy boosts and motivation needed to accomplish a consistent exercise routine and may be particularly beneficial for individuals who are overweight and don’t normally exercise. NMN may even help with sleep, at least in the case of older adults. Furthermore, NMN plays a key role in metabolizing food and has been shown to reduce weight. Therefore, when it comes to designing a supplement routine, NMN may be one of the better options.