
  • Taking two capsules of Revigorator in the morning gave me a small jolt of energy within 30 minutes of taking it that lasted throughout the day.
  • The compound lifted my mood, providing me with the right frame of mind to easily accomplish whatever work I had on the agenda each day.
  • Staying active has become a challenge as I grow older, but after taking Revigorator, I found myself going jogging more frequently.

As time passes during my middle-aged years, I notice that I can’t do the exercises or lift the heavy weights that I once did in my 20s. It also feels like my daily energy levels are slowly declining. Along those lines, I’ve read how falling NAD+ levels have been associated with aging and how increasing NAD+ with an NAD+ precursor may enhance energy levels and improve physical function. For this reason, I tried the NAD+ enhancer with senolytics called Revigorator for a month to find out whether it works.

When I first looked into NAD+ boosting supplements, I was overwhelmed by the options. The more I researched, the more I learned about compounds other than NAD+ precursors that also address aging like senolytics. These compounds target aging in ways different from boosting NAD+. I ultimately decided to try Revigorator G4 Platinum, because it offered both NAD+ boosting and senolytics to counteract aging.

(Massudi et al., 2012 | PLOS ONE) Human NAD+ levels decline with age. A) NAD+ levels decline from birth to age 77 in males (line a), and additional data from post-pubescent males (line b) confirms that NAD+ levels drop with age. B) NAD+ levels significantly fall in females from ages 36 to 76.

Revigorator Gave Me a Punch of Energy Lasting Throughout the Day

I took the leap and purchased the Revigorator G4 Platinum version. With some hesitance and skepticism, wondering whether it would actually do anything for me, I took two capsules in the morning before breakfast each day. I thought I’d need to take Revigorator for at least a few days before I noticed any energy level changes, but within 30 minutes of taking the capsules on the first day, I felt a small rush of energy. I then observed that this energy lasted throughout the day and that it gave me a stable and consistent energy elevation, unlike caffeine, which only enhances my wakefulness for an hour or so.

My mood improved during the month of taking Revigorator. I’d look forward to the small jolt of energy I received from taking Revigorator each morning, and then throughout the day, my elevated energy gave me the boost I needed to work efficiently. Having a more positive disposition not only improved how I felt but also improved my ability to accomplish any tasks I had on the agenda at work with ease.

At first, I thought this increased energy and enhanced mood may come from the placebo effect. In other words, Revigorator may not have actually done much for me physiologically, and these effects could have been due to my expectations. With each passing day that I took Revigorator, though, I noticed the same stimulating energy levels and enhanced mood. For this reason, I think Revigorator truly has an energy and mood-enhancing effect.

Revigorator Restored My Physical Prowess

Exercise and staying physically fit has always been an important aspect of my routine. However, I’ve found it more and more difficult to maintain a steady workout regimen with each passing year, often because I don’t feel like I have the energy I need for exercise. During my month of taking Revigorator, I found myself going for walks and jogging more often, even during some of my lunch breaks. Subjectively, my muscles felt like they were ready for deployment if I decided to go for a run or do a weightlifting routine.

What boosting NAD+ with products like Revigorator does for each person likely varies, but for me, taking the compound elevated my energy and mood levels almost immediately. Furthermore, Revigorator made me feel more motivated to exercise. Because of this, raising my blood NAD+ levels with Revigorator seems like a sure-fire way to preserve my physical capacity as I grow older, all the while keeping my mood uplifted.

Since I took Revigorator for only one month, it’s hard to tell whether its benefits would last while taking it for longer durations. I’ll be anxious to find out whether I still reap the same subjective benefits after taking it for three months or more.