Aging & Longevity
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Basic Research
Safety The Official Info Source for Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, a project of ALSET foundation
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Basic Research

Are Microplastics the Silent Killer? Here’s What You Need to Know

The average person ingests or inhales up to 120,000 microplastic particles annually, which accumulate in vital organs and may contribute to accelerated aging.

1 day ago
Aging & Longevity

Robert Downey Jr.’s Secrets to Agelessness: From Diet to Supplements and Workouts

Actor Robert Downey Jr. is 59 years old but maintains the appearance of a 30-year-old, in large part due to his pescetarian diet, supplement protocol, and workout routine.

6 days ago

What the New Kidney Disease Study Says About NR and CoQ10

Researchers conducted a human trial suggesting that nicotinamide riboside (NR) or CoQ10 supplementation improves metabolism and immunity.

6 days ago
Bone, Muscle & Skin

New Insights on Muscle Strength: The Role of Inhibiting an Enzyme that Hinders NAD+ Synthesis

University of Texas Medical Branch researchers show that treating with an inhibitor of an enzyme that breaks down an NAD+ precursor enhances muscle strength and endurance and shortens recovery time in aged mice.

6 days ago
Aging & Longevity

Top Aging Scientist Critiques Bryan Johnson’s Attempt to Live Longer Through Gene Therapy

Aging researcher Dr. Matt Kaeberlein quips that there is a lack of evidence for safety and efficacy regarding a gene therapy Bryan Johnson is using for lifespan extension purposes.

6 days ago
Aging & Longevity

Jimmy Carter Turns 100 to Vote in This Year’s Presidential Election: The Power of Purpose in Longevity

Carter reportedly told loved ones, “I’m only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.”

Oct 8, 2024

New Study Predicts Maximum Human Lifespan with DNA Chemical Modification Analysis

Spanish researchers unveil data suggesting that higher rates of disorder in chemical modifications to DNA (methylation) are associated with shorter lifespans across 18 mammal species.

Oct 3, 2024

FDA-Approved Drugs Reduce the Risk of 21 Cancers

Lipid-lowering drugs are associated with a decreased risk of 21 types of cancers in older adults.

Oct 3, 2024

Could the Blind See Again? Neuralink’s Blindsight Clears FDA Hurdle

Neuralink's Blindsight implant receives FDA breakthrough designation, aiming to restore vision for individuals with blindness, even those with non-functional optic nerves.

Oct 1, 2024
Bone, Muscle & Skin

Anti-Aging Supplement Rapamycin Slows Muscle and Bone Aging in First Long-Term Clinical Trial

Rapamycin supplementation improves older adults' muscle and bone health in the landmark Participatory Evaluation of Aging with Rapamycin for Longevity (PEARL) trial.

Oct 1, 2024
Aging & Longevity

60-Year-Old Lenny Kravitz’s Secrets to Age Defiance

Four-time Grammy-winning rock star Lenny Kravitz is a self-professed vegan who exercises regularly and cultivates a mindful lifestyle to defy the typical signs of aging.

Sep 28, 2024
Aging & Longevity

This Is How You Can Slow Aging: Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Casey Means Reveal Mitochondrial Hacks

Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Casey Means explain how mitochondrial dysfunction accelerates aging and how diet, exercise, and fasting can support healthy aging.

Sep 24, 2024
Aging & Longevity

Longevity Expert Explains How Bryan Johnson Has Not Reduced His Pace of Aging by 31 Years

Morgan Levine, PhD, explains that epigenetic clocks — a specific measure of biological age — cannot be used to make the claims that longevity guru Bryan Johnson has made about age reversal.

Sep 24, 2024
Aging & Longevity

50% Chance 40-Year-Olds Do Not Die from Aging: Longevity Expert Aubrey de Grey

Aging researcher Aubrey de Grey thinks individuals who are currently 40 years old have more than a 50% likelihood of not dying from aging-related causes.

Sep 20, 2024
Aging & Longevity

Combining Two FDA-Approved Drugs Prolongs Life by Over 33%

Improving on either drug alone, combining rapamycin and trametinib significantly prolongs the lifespan of female mice by 35% and male mice by 27%.

Sep 17, 2024